Welcome to the Global Research Information Center

What is a People Group?

A “people group” is an ethnolinguistic group with a common self-identity that is shared by the various members. There are two parts to that word: ethno, and linguistic. Language is a primary and dominant identifying factor of a people group. But there are other factors that determine or are associated with ethnicity.

Unengaged Unreached People Groups (UUPGs)

An Unreached People Group is one in which less than 2% of its population are Evangelical Christians.  It is Unengaged when there is no church planting strategy consistent with Evangelical faith and practice underway.  A people group is also Unengaged when it has been merely adopted, is the object of focused prayer, or is part of an advocacy strategy.

The Core Missionary Task

We believe that a faithful reading of Scripture applied to practical missiology denotes six basic components that we’ve labeled the core missionary task: entry, evangelism, disciple making, healthy church formation, leadership development, and strategically planned exit and partnership.


Learn more about collections of related people groups that share similar origins, languages and cultures.

Annual reports contain the most accurate information for the stated reporting period available at the time of publication.

Find answers to frequently asked questions about people groups and the engagement of unreached people groups.